Web and SEO Part 2

I'm not sure it's so much more important than before . With the increased risk of penalties, whether with manual or Penguin penalties dummy links next to the aggressive netlinking, sanctions will now swing. If Google for years gave directives without much sanction, this golden age of easy SEO is well and truly over. Here's Why should we the launch of useful and rather qualitative texts proves an effective lever by removing the major dangers of repression Google became very active. And if I became interested in my targets? The most obvious cases are for me the e-commerce sites. For years customers have often been considered only as CB numbers. https://webdesign9web.wordpress.com/ hat desirable then waste time trying to solve their problems or even care? From the time you had a desirable position in the SERP to peddle your "sofa" or "coffee table" the rest was rather incidental. This is still partly true ... but: But some customers are changi...